Wednesday, 25 October 2023
10:00 – 10:45 o´clock

Economical pump systems in practice – efficient components used correctly
Find out how pumps can be operated efficiently and receive subsidies at the same time. You will also receive solutions for smooth reimbursement.
Roger Uebersax
Managing Director, Owner
aran ag
11:00 – 11:45 o´clock

Current status of developments in the field of “safe pump technology”
Find out how potential hazards in your company can be avoided with the right equipment. Are you also aware of the horrendous costs of a business interruption if a pump in production should fail unplanned due to a lack of safety equipment?
Samuel Zumstein
Area Sales Manager Switzerland and Team Leader Sales Germany
CP Pumpen AG
13:00 – 13:45 o´clock

PFAS – risks, challenges and opportunities
In spring 2023, the EU Commission published a regulatory proposal that includes an almost blanket ban on PFAS. Once in force, the proposal would have a significant impact on industry and commerce on the one hand, but above all on almost all areas of society. Certain NGOs, the media and politicians are using mostly emotional arguments to deliberately exploit the issue, but so far without gaining a clear picture of the situation and without considering the actual consequences of such a ban. An overview.
Dominique Werner
Head of Chemicals Law
scienceindustries, Trade Association Chemistry Pharma Life Sciences
14:00 – 14:45 o´clock

Safety in dosing technology in the food sector
The specialist lecture provides insights into the many challenges that dosing technology has to overcome in the sensitive food environment. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the various requirements resulting from strict hygiene regulations. The presentation will highlight how these requirements manifest themselves in operations and which requirements suppliers must fulfil. Aspects such as product quality, operating environment, accuracy standards and maintenance processes will be highlighted. A particular focus will be on the design of dosing pumps, including the minimisation of dead spaces, the integration of hygienic connections and obtaining relevant certifications. Major approvals such as FDA, EHEDG and BG, which are of great importance to the food industry, are emphasised.
Bernd Freissler
ProMinent GmbH, DE
15:00 – 15:45 o´clock

Condition monitoring: How to use artificial intelligence to improve the monitoring of pumps and industrial plants
Artificial intelligence is an important part of Industry 4.0, which focuses on the integration of digital technologies in industry. The main aim is to make better use of data and improve decision-making. One aspect is the detection of impending problems such as equipment failures by analysing process data and planning optimal maintenance measures to minimise the impact on operations. In this presentation, different approaches to building models based on statistics or artificial intelligence for a pump will be presented, with a focus on how to optimally design and develop the models to perform optimally in an industrial context.
Thomas Palmé
Thursday, 26 October 2023
10:15 – 10:45 o´clock

Three approaches for blockage-free operation of sewage pumping stations:
Cutting unit, solids separation system & digital deblocking function
High dirt loads with smaller water volumes and improperly disposed of fibrous materials are increasingly leading to blocked sewage pumping stations, resulting in high downtime and maintenance costs. The lecture will present three solutions that offer blockage protection: 1) Submersible sewage pumps that have a radial cutting unit with a double scissor effect 2) Compact pumping stations with a solids separation system that separates coarse solids from the sewage so that they do not pass through the pumps 3) “Smart” digital pump control with integrated blockage detection and automatic cleaning function.
Christos Bozatzidis
Training- & Product Manager
Wilo Schweiz AG
11:00 – 11:45 o´clock

Current status of developments in the field of “safe pump technology”
Find out how potential hazards in your company can be avoided with the right equipment. Are you also aware of the horrendous costs of a business interruption if a pump in production should fail unplanned due to a lack of safety equipment?
Samuel Zumstein
Area Sales Manager Switzerland and Team Leader Sales Germany
CP Pumpen AG
13:00 – 13:45 o´clock

Safety in dosing technology in the food sector
The specialist lecture provides insights into the many challenges that dosing technology has to overcome in the sensitive food environment. It will provide a comprehensive overview of the various requirements resulting from strict hygiene regulations. The presentation will highlight how these requirements manifest themselves in operations and which requirements suppliers must fulfil. Aspects such as product quality, operating environment, accuracy standards and maintenance processes will be highlighted. A particular focus will be on the design of dosing pumps, including the minimisation of dead spaces, the integration of hygienic connections and obtaining relevant certifications. Major approvals such as FDA, EHEDG and BG, which are of great importance to the food industry, are emphasised.
Bernd Freissler
ProMinent GmbH, DE
14:00 – 15:00 o´clock

PFAS – risks, challenges and opportunities
In spring 2023, the EU Commission published a regulatory proposal that includes an almost blanket ban on PFAS. Once in force, the proposal would have a significant impact on industry and commerce on the one hand, but above all on almost all areas of society. Certain NGOs, the media and politicians are using mostly emotional arguments to deliberately exploit the issue, but so far without gaining a clear picture of the situation and without considering the actual consequences of such a ban. An overview.
Dominique Werner
Head of Chemicals Law
scienceindustries, Trade Association Chemistry Pharma Life Sciences
15:00 – 15:45 o´clock

Optimise efficiency and security: Cloud solutions and networking for operators
Cyber security challenges for cloud and networking solutions for components
Optimise efficiency and security: Cloud solutions and networking for operators
Digitalisation in water treatment using the example of ProMinent Dosiertechnik AG: cloud solutions and networking of components to improve efficiency and safety for operators.
The article focuses on a holistic solution in digital fluid management. The focus is on web-based networking and transparency to optimise the coordination of system components. Customisable, robust products enable individual adaptation to operating conditions. Holistic networking of dosing pumps, measuring devices, disinfection systems and sensors optimises process reliability and system efficiency. These solutions enable real-time monitoring and documentation of system statuses from any location.
Cyber security challenges with cloud and networking solutions for components
Cyber security aspects of cloud solutions and component networking solutions
Today’s networking technologies offer exciting opportunities for operators of water supplies, water treatment, wastewater and process water treatment. However, cyber security aspects are often neglected. This article aims to succinctly demonstrate what users of digital solutions need to be aware of?
Daniele Nardin
ProMinent Dosiertechnik AG
Torben Griebe
Supercomputing Systems AG